What does Madame and monsieur?

madame, monsieur (Martin) : Dear Mr and Mrs (Martin)

How do you abbreviate Madame and monsieur?

"Monsieur" (M.) for a man, The plural is Messieurs (MM. for short). "Madame" (Mme) for a woman.

What is short for monsieur?

monsieur, abbreviation M, the French equivalent both of “sir” (in addressing a man directly) and of “mister,” or “Mr.” Etymologically it means “my lord” (mon sieur).

Does Madame mean married?

madame Add to list Share. Madame is the way to address a French woman, as in Madame Curie. It's officially for married women, like Mrs. in English, but it's often used for any exotic woman, married and French or not.

Can we use mademoiselle?

The basic rule is simple. If the woman is married, you should say “madame” (even if she is a widow: once married, always “madame”.) If she isn't, you should say “mademoiselle”.

Do the French still use mademoiselle?

Today, you'll still hear mademoiselle being used, though usually by older French speakers for whom the term is still traditional. It is also occasionally used in formal situations. Most younger French speakers do not use the term, particularly in large cities like Paris.

What can I use instead of mademoiselle?

Controversy. In 2012 the French government officially banned the use of mademoiselle for all government documents. Instead, madame would be used for women of any age and marital status.