Your body should be facing the lifter, with their head closest to you. Once the lifter lies on the bench and grabs hold of the barbell, the spotter will: Use an alternating grip (one hand gripping the bar on top, the other underneath) to help lift the weight off the rack.

Do you need spotter for bench press?

While you can bench press without a spotter, we wouldn't recommend it — especially not for anything heavier than “warm-up” weight. It's simply too dangerous. The safest way to bench press without a spotter is to utilize a lifting rack or stand that has adjustable safety pins, spotter arms or safety bars.

What does the spotter do during bench press?

The typical gym-bro bench spotter will distractingly hover over the lifter's head and place their hands close to the bar so that they're ready to assist the moment they see the lifter seem to struggle. Worse, they'll touch the bar while the lifter is struggling to push it upwards.

Can you bench more with a spotter?

Technically, yes. You can become stronger in the lift in general when you have a spotter for the bench press because it is easier to set up the lift and to get the weight out of the rack.

Do you need a spotter for incline bench press?

If your gym enables you to bench press in a power rack in which you can use the safety pins (catches) then you can do without a spotter as long as you set the pins right. If your gym does not provide this then it is always a good idea to use a spotter if you can even when using moderate weights.

When should you use a spotter?

A workout spotter is someone who is available to assist in a lift or exercise if needed. Spotters are needed when a person is lifting free weights or performing any exercise where a high risk of injury is present. Having a spotter present helps reduce the risk of injury in several ways.

Is a spotter necessary?

Using a spotter is always a good practice for weightlifting, but it is essential when attempting heavy or advanced lifts. Spotters not only help protect weight lifters from injuring themselves, they can also increase the effectiveness of the workout.

What is the point of a spotter?

Spotters are needed when a person is lifting free weights or performing any exercise where a high risk of injury is present. Having a spotter present helps reduce the risk of injury in several ways. They can help lift the weight if it is too heavy or cumbersome to be lifted efficiently.